Terms of Service

The Lifepost archival project respect the personal information you share with us through letters sent and we undertake to comply 
with the Data protection Act 1998. Lifepost may make use of your information for the purposes of education, research, lectures and for internet viewing. 

The information you share will be solely used for the purposes mentioned above. Information may also be passed to those researchers, publishers, broadcasters and educators authorised by Lifepost, and strictly in accordance to your wishes stated. 

By sending us your stories and personal experiences, 
you agree to assign the copyright of  the information shared to Lifepost based on the understanding that the information wil not 
be used in a derogatory manner and that the information be made available to the public in conjunction with our privacy policy. 

Privacy policy 

Each individual letter present in the Lifepost kit and every story will have details of the how the information maybe shared. 
Following are the terms used: 

Public use (anonymous) - The contributor hence agrees to make his or her story available for public viewing on the world wide web but anonymously so that the persons personal details and name will not be shared. 

Private view by the family only - The contributor thus agrees to share the information only with family or/and freinds. We will not make these available for public viewing. 

Public (anonymous) as well as private - The contributor thus agrees to share information anonymously on the world wide web as well as privately for familyand/ or friends. 

The contributor or an authorised person on his/her behalf has the right to withdraw the contribution from the Lifepost archives at any time, subject to giving Lifepost adequate time to  arrange this. 

It is understood that the contributor has agreed to share his/her  life stories and experiences and would assign his/her copyright to the Lifepost archives.